First of all, you’ll want to know some facts about webinars:
- 18% of companies that run webinars run between 1 and 3 per month
- An average webinar consists of 28 participants and 2 presenters, and runs 65 minutes
- The top reasons companies run webinars are to educate existing and potential customers, and to generate leads
Structuring your webinar content
If you are a veteran of making sales presentations to groups, you’re probably familiar with the following structure:
- Who we are – About yourself and your company
- Our offering – All about what your company does
- The deal – What you want them to buy from you
In a webinar however, the approach is a bit different:
Articulating a dramatic statistic or challenge that will grab attention and resonate
- Drilling down into the causes and effects of the challenge
- Solutions to the challenge, and how they work
- Benefits and business value of your solution as it maps to the challenge
You’ll notice that the primary difference between the two approaches is that the webinar structure doesn’t overtly push to make a sale. Instead, it establishes you as a subject matter expert and trusted advisor. Instead of just getting you a single order, this scenario builds trust and sets the stage for a long-term relationship that has the potential to yield more sales over time.
If you are interested in building and delivering webinars for your company, contact us and we can answer any questions you may have about infrastructure, logistics, and content!